Monday, March 7, 2011

Journal 09


Considering we are presenting today, it is rather fortunate that we are done with our project + presentation. Things went pretty smoothly on this project, and although everyone might not have been super psyched on the product we designed, we managed to come to a compromise and finish the project. Everybody worked on their part of the project at home, and we used our in class meetings to show and discuss what we had worked on at home. We only had to meet outside of class once, last night, to finalize everything before we presented. To help give our project focus, I made a summary of our ideas based off of the rubric that we are going to be graded off of. I figured it would be useful as a sort of reference sheet for the main points we need to make during our presentation. I also digitized Telina's design for our kiosk. Overall, despite my usual distaste for group projects, I think things went rather well.

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