Monday, January 31, 2011

The Tyranny of Objects

"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, and penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together."

Although ol' Ben Kenobi was talking about a fictional metaphysical power, if you minus the talk of Jedis and energy fields, this quote shows design to be a fitting real-world analogue for "the Force". For design not only shapes our physical lives, what we do and how we do it; it can also shape how we think and how we view the world.

And just like the force, design can be used for good or evil.

I started along this line of thought during our class discussion on "Designing for Accessibility". I began thinking about the consequences of a world designed without accessibility in mind. By creating a world where the handicapped are restricted in their movements and interactions, they are marginalized, with design's narrative voice telling them that their needs are less important than those who are not handicapped.

Retrofitting and designing special alternatives for the handicapped is not much better. While many of the physical barriers may be lifted, allowing the handicapped to function better in our world; the mental walls are still firmly in place, cordoning off the handicapped into a group of second-class citizens. The need for special design colors the handicapped as a nuisance, for most will be more concerned about the inconvenience of building a new ramp rather than the social good of providing for the handicapped.

It seems to me that the best solution is universal design. By harmoniously combining the needs of all people into one design, all can feel equal and none will be stigmatized. If humankind's intelligence can serve any good end (because lord knows it has already served many evil ones), I think it should serve to help reduce the power of Fortuna's cruel wheel. And allowing those who are handicapped to live better, fuller lives is one way to do that.

And helping these kids rise above the cycle of crime and violence that pervades lower-class communities is another.

This is design used for good. When these guys are creating their own bikes, they are also in a sense creating their own identity, perhaps allowing them to avoid gangs that prey on the identity-less youth.

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